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Thai Style Chicken Wings Part 1

These amazing fried chicken wings will be the highlight of any dinner party as an appetizer or a main dish.

These are always a crowd pleaser!

Crispy, salty, savory deliciousness spiced up with nam prik dipping sauce.



  • 12 Chicken Wings - whole

  • 2-3 tablespoons RosDee® Chicken powder - Check out my seasonings page

  • 2 cups (500ml) Vegetable Cooking Oil*

We usually purchase the wings whole. Whan then breaks each wing down into its 3 parts, the drumette, the wingette, and the wing tip. The favorite around the table is always a source of heavy debate though I prefer the drumette.


Step 1 - Preparing the Chicken wings

After you have separated the wings or have them cut to your liking it is best to give your wings a nice rinse with room temperature water ( we use tap water and wash them by hand). After they are all clean let them sit in a colander or a bowl to drain excess water for 5-10 minutes.

Step 2 - Season them up

In a mixing bowl add the chicken wings and 2 tablespoons of RosDee® chicken powder. Massage the seasoning into the wings. You could also use a plastic bag if you prefer. After the seasoning is mixed in with the wings refrigerate for 20-25 minutes

Step 3 - Frying

Add the vegetable oil, or oil of your choice, to a Wok and apply heat. You will know its hot enough when you dip a wing in the oil and it sizzles. Cook them in batches of similar shape (wingettes together, drumettes together, winglets together). Add the drumettes to the hot oil and cook for 3-5 minutes then turn them over and cook another 2-3 minutes. You will know they are done when they are golden brown in the pan. Wings tend to darken slightly when they cool.

Step 4 - Enjoy after cooling a few minutes.


That is it for Part 1 of the chicken wing series. Stay tuned for Part 2 - Oysterette Wings.

We like to eat these with a Nam Prik (spicy water) dip made of fish sauce, chilies, and green onions. This recipe is coming soon!

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